FMT Preivcy And Policy

we describe how we collect, use, and disclose information, including Personal Informationthat we obtain about visitors to our App and the services available in our App Personal Information means any unique information or set of information that could be used to identify or contact an individual, such as the individual's name, title, mailing address, email address, phone number,employer/profession, login information, password, payment card information or other specific types of personal information.

Types of Information and Collection Methods

Information Submitted by You , You may be asked to provide Personal Information anytime you are in contact with may collect Personal Information about you (and through third parties or other sources where permitted by law) when you interact with us, such as creating or registering for an account, using our products and services, downloading our software, requesting information, requesting notifications for service bulletin or products and services updates, participating in surveys, submitting a job application or when you otherwise actively send us data and Personal Information. In each such instance, you will know what data we collected because you voluntarily submitted it. You are not required to provide any Personal Information that we have requested, but if you chose not to do so, you may not be able to access certain content on our App or products and services offered or we will not be able to respond to any inquiries you may have or process your orders. You may also submit technical information to such as designs, ideas or data, that you transmit to or post on any of our App for purposes not limited to contest participation. Such submission is considered and treated by as nonconfidential and nonproprietary. By providing these submissions, you grant a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable,sublicensable right to disseminate, display, use, modify, copy, adapt, and translate the submission for any purpose whatsoever, whether commercial or noncommercial, throughout the world in any media. You also grant us the right to use the name you submit in connection with your submission, if we choose. You represent and warrant in making these submissions that you own or control all rights to these submissions, and that use of your submissions will not cause injury to any person or entity including You will indemnify us for all claims resulting from your submissions. If you choose to provide with a third party's personal information (such as name, email, and phone number), you represent and warrant that you have the third party's permission to do so.

Examples include forwarding reference or marketing material to a friend or sending job referrals. Information Collected Through Third-Party Sources We may also collect information about you through our trusted third-party sources to assist us in providing product and service offerings to you. Information Automatically Collected Like many other Apps, uses automatic data collection tools, such as cookies, embedded web links, web beacons, gifs and other similar technologies. These tools automatically collect certain standard information that your browser sends to our App when you visit our App or use our Services, such as your domain name, your browser type, operating system, web pages you view, links you click, your IP address, the length of time you visit our App or use our Services, the referring URL or the webpage that led you to our App. Combination We and the third parties we engaged to provide services on our behalf may combine the information we collect from you over time and across our App with Personal Information that you actively submit, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

How We May Use Your Information

We may use your information for purposes of operating our business and other legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law. We may use your personal information in the following ways:

  1. To communicate with you about our products or services, respond to your inquiries, fulfill and process your request for our products and services, including helping you to complete transactions, process payments, and other customer service purposes.
  2. To enable you to use certain features of our product and services
  3. To administer the careers portion of the App and process your application.
  4. To better understand how visitors use our App and products and services, both on an aggregated and individualized basis, in order to improve our App and products and services and for other research and analytical purposes.